May I Welcome You to the Dreaded Flat Velocity Rotation Profile?
Galaxies are Forever – Part Two
I am going to have to do a live broadcast on this and take questions.
The reason, the central and core reason, so-called scientists insist there must be dark matter, which doesn’t exist, is the flat velocity rotation profile of just about every galaxy in existence.
I am not discussing dwarf galaxies or irregular galaxies; I am discussing spiral and elliptical galaxies, those which have been denoted as island universes.
Using a slit and prism, or perhaps a diffraction grating, a spectral line is scanned with a photovoltaic cell and the result stored on a magnetic tape by a computer. This is how D. S. Mathewson measured the rotation curves of over 1200 galaxies in the Southern Hemisphere. Assuming the shifts in a spectral line from being straight to being curved is the result of the Doppler effect of stars rotating around the centre of the galaxy, with half the stars coming towards the observer and half receding away, the shape of the spectral line, adjusted for the angular incline of the galaxy against the celestial sphere, shows the relative orbital speeds of stars in the galaxy measured from one end of the galaxy to the other. When the receding half of this line is folded on top of the advancing half, we call this line the velocity rotation profile. The receding half is congruent to the advancing half when folder over. The two halves are identical. The line rises from the middle of the galaxy and then is flat outwardly to the edge of the galaxy. This is called the flat velocity rotation profile.
If this line is interpreted as measuring only the velocity of the stars, then a flat velocity rotation profile would indicate that all of the stars in a galaxy orbit the galaxy with the same orbital speed regardless of whether they are outer, middle or wherever stars in the galaxy. As a result, ignoring any other effects, the elite of the scientific community demands a belief in a magical substance known as dark matter in order to have this result. Bear in mind that this result is exclusive of any other effects that could easily explain this phenomenon. We already know that this dogma, asserted by the scientific elite, is pure nonsense because of the existence of spiral and barred spiral galaxies. We know that. However the scientific elite spouting this dogma also refuse to acknowledge the spiral shape of spiral galaxies. I have a number of reviews from various elite journals that state categorically that spiral galaxies are not spirals, they just look like spirals. I kid you not.
So the model of the elite requires that galaxies have a particular “geometry”, or shape, which is either a spherical or circular disk. This is because the software they use is based on the top-down tree-search algorithm and moving mesh. Moving mesh requires symmetric boundary conditions or it will collapse. I refer to Dr. Giovanni Carraro of Padova University in Italy whose paper “Galaxy Formation and Evolution – I. The Padua TREE-SPG Code (PD-SPH)” reveals the actual code and discusses problems with this algorithm. It is restricted to elliptical galaxies and does not deal with spiral or barred spiral galaxies. In this paper there is assumed to be a sphere of magic substance around the galaxy being modelled. The paper also discusses, although not specifically by name, the adjacency problem associated with this algorithm. Dr. Carraro also uses moving mesh in conjunction with the tree search. All of this may sound like gibberish but can be watered down in saying that parameters are arranged in sequence and aligned along various axes to create a hyperspace describing the state of the system. A stable state of equilibrium is sought through a series of steps in an iterative process until a stable solution is arrived at. However, how do you align adjacent stars of different mass on one axis, and their position along another, keeping them adjacent? You can’t. Also, if a step leads from one state to another, are the parameters of each axis still arranged in order? They can’t be. This is the adjacency problem.
In order for this algorithm to be stable, more material is added, or assumed, so that the model does not collapse going through each time step. The amount of material added or assumed which is required for the model not to collapse is deemed to be the amount of dark matter in the modelled galaxy. It’s a fudge factor.
So now you know how dark matter is made. Unfortunately, it does not give a very good fit to the rotation profile. Another thing everyone should be reminded of is something called Gauss’ Theorem. The models that predict, or require, dark matter so that the model does not collapse while running don’t appear to take Gauss’ Theorem into account. The models place a halo, or sphere, of dark matter about a disk of galactic stars. However, Gauss’ Theorem states that any spherical shell of material that is a source of a gravitational field, like dark matter, has absolutely no gravitational influence whatsoever on anything that is to the interior of that shell of material. So these models don’t even follow a very fundamental and well-known theorem of physics.
Under basic concepts of ontology, dark matter requires its rejection. Arguments for dark matter require rejecting an ontological argument. There is no formal scientific definition of dark matter that is self-consistent, non-circular and does not use the words, “is like”. There is no experimental evidence to suggest the existence of dark matter so a belief in such a substance requires rejecting a phenomenological argument. The only rational criteria left is etymological – the study of language. Etymology considers symbols. Dark matter can be thought of as a symbol. If the symbol “dark matter” can be replaced with another symbol and the meaning of what is being said does not change, then the two symbols are equivalent.
So, for example, let us say that scientists cannot explain why galaxies have a flat velocity rotation profile and conclude this must be the result of dark matter. Now let us say the same thing but use a different symbol. Let us say this is the result of an MFD field. Galaxy rotation profiles are flat because of an MFD field. Gravitational lenses act the way they do because of an MFD field and the Big Bang resulted in the presently observed large scale structure of the universe because of an MFD field. Note that there is no difference in meaning by changing “dark matter” with “an MFD field”. The meanings are therefore equivalent. That means that dark matter is just an MFD field.
What is an MFD field you may ask? MFD stands for Magic Faerie Dust. We can safely conclude that dark matter is nothing more than Magic Faerie Dust.
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